Death Can Be A Good Thing

Okay, so what about the life and death that is in the power of the tongue? Have you given much thought about what things might need to be dead. I know I have. The process of God’s digging deeper has revealed more and more that needs to die.
Do you ever lose your temper, get impatient, argue? Are you ever selfish, prideful, complacent? Do you murmur, complain or talk about people? Did you think I was only going to hit the “bigger” issues? You know, lying, stealing, killing, sexual immorality, cheating, substance abuse, gluttony, idolatry, covetousness. Most of our issues begin in our minds, and they need to be dealt with sooner rather than later. We give the enemy way too much credit, when it is our own flesh that wars with us the most.
The flesh wars against the Spirit, and war can get ugly. Death is always involved when there is a war. So, I challenge you; if you have not already started, begin to speak death to the root of your issues. I know I have been, and I will tell you that it has been painful and glorius at the same time. God has been pressing and digging to bring things to surface that I did not realize were there, but as I said, He has been going deeper.
I wouldn’t change a moment of it. I am in awe of His faithfulness, grace, mercy and life of joy and peace that only He can give. In the pressing there comes an increase of Him, of His anointing, and He has been doing amazing things. So, go ahead, speak death to those things in your life that must be dealt with. Speak life to the Christ-like characteristics that you want to develop…, humility, generosity, forgiveness, patience, wisdom, discernment, kindness, faith, hope, trust, honesty. As we decrease, He will increase! Christ in us, the hope of glory!