Is there ever a good time to kill? Ecclesiastes 3:1 says “to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven”. Everything? Really? Even to kill? Verse 3 says, yes, “a time to kill”. Now I will be the first to admit, this is not a pleasant subject, but in light of what God has been revealing at this time, we need to listen.
If there has ever been a time that distractions, “busy”ness, “ME”itis, has separated a people and a nation from God it is today. Idolatry does not have to come in the form of stone, wood or precious metals. It is anything that we desire more than we desire seeking, trusting and following Jesus. We have a generation that does not know their kingdom purpose in this earth and are trying to find significance, purpose, peace and excitement in almost everything but God.
The end result is so many are becoming depressed, hopeless, and confused with no real direction. We as believers many times have not offered them much in the way of example because there are so many things that are more important than living and showing the love of Jesus and placing Him as our FIRST priority.
Well, it’s TIME TO KILL! Matthew 3 tells us about laying the ax to the root of the tree that is not bearing fruit, but God is saying that is not enough. In Isaiah 14:30 God says “I will kill your root with famine, and he will slay (kill) your remnant (survivors). There are some things in our lives that must die before we can truly be effective for His kingdom. You can cut something off at the root, but if the ground still contains nutrients and water, growth can begin again and you are no better off. But if there is a famine, the root is not being fed. Not only will it cease to grow, but it will die, and no offshoots will survive.
Whatever we feed will grow, and what we feed it will determine if it is healthy or not. What you starve will surely die. What you listen to, watch, read or hang out with will determine what lives and what dies.
Wow! This can be scary or exciting, but, Lord, kill off at the root everything that hinders Your Spirit from working in and through me so that others may see You! Take no prisoners; leave no survivors. I want to lay it all down.